Drodzy rodzice i dzieci.

Nie mamy jeszcze ustalonej daty powrotu do wynajmowanego przez naszą szkołę budynku Notre Dame OLSJ, ale działamy w tym kierunku, aby jak najszybciej wrócić do zajęć.

Musimy jednak podporządkować się obostrzeniom, o które prosi nas szkoła OLSJ. Rozważamy rozpoczęcie zajęć zdalnych połączonych z zajęciami stacjonarnym co drugi tydzień.

Poniżej załączony email od Business Manager szkoły OLSJ.

Good Afternoon

I thought I would update you on arrangements/considerations for opening Polish School by email: I am trying to arrange cleaning on Saturday afternoon after Polish School finishes so that the building is thoroughly cleaned ready for Monday – I have taken on an extra member of staff but am waiting for a start date to be finalised.It will be very important that the classrooms are left exactly in the same condition in terms of layout (tables and chairs in the same place) and tidiness at the end of the day. It may be necessary to start with reduced hours to allow for cleaning/site staff hoursIt may be necessary to start with reduced pupil numbers – possibly on a 2 week rota to reduce the number of rooms used and therefore requiring cleaningYou will need to bring your own cleaning materials for your use. We may need to pass on the cost of the additional cleaning required. We will need to agree which rooms/areas are to be used – the rest will be kept locked. You will need to inform us straight away if anyone has COVID symptoms and is tested positive. Parts of Blackburn – the area where school is -are still under stricter measures and we await a review this Friday. I am hoping to be able to get Polish School up and running again soon but I think we need to start small and phase everything. Can you let me know what you think.

Thanks Ursula